의사가 말할 수 있는 가장 무서운 것 중 하나는 에 걸렸다는 것이다. 그러나 희망을 잃어서는 안 됩니다. 현대 의학 기술의 모든 발전으로 종양을 조기에 발견하면 싸움에서 이길 수 있는 좋은 기회가 있으며 그 후에는 길고 건강한 삶을 즐길 수 있습니다. 그러나 요점은 이점을 가질 수 있을 만큼 충분히 일찍 징후를 발견하는 것입니다. 이는 의사를 만날 용기를 갖는 것을 의미합니다.건강 기금에 충성을 유지하는 데 실제로 드는 비용은 얼마입니까?

클럽 비교건강 기금에 충성을 유지하는 데 실제로 드는 비용은 얼마입니까?


오늘은 암 환자, 생존자, 그리고 그들이 진단을 받기 전에 처음 발견한 미묘하고 명백한 증상에 대한 Quora의 사랑하는 사람들의 이야기를 다루고 있습니다. 그들의 경험을 읽어 보십시오. 그리고 예방이 치료보다 낫다는 것을 기억하십시오. 불안과 두려움 속에 살면서 잠재적으로 해로울 수 있는 것을 놓치는 것보다 건강한 생활 방식을 유지하고 정기적인 건강 검진과 검진을 받는 것이 더 낫습니다.

Bored Panda는 왜 일부 사람들이 그들이 암에 걸렸을지도 모른다고 의심될 때 의료 전문가를 만나기를 꺼리는지, 그리고 가족 구성원들과 친구들이 걱정이 된다면 어떻게 누군가에게 검사를 받도록 설득할 수 있는지 알고 싶었다. 암 지원 자선 단체 Maggie’s의 최고 경영자인 Dame Laura Lee는 친절하게도 우리의 질문에 약간의 답을 제공해 주었습니다.


All I had was a mouth ulcer. It wasn’t even particularly painful, but then my cat started acting oddly – sniffing at my mouth, pressing her head under my chin. I went to see my GP and 3 weeks later was diagnosed with carcinoma.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Sadly, my cancer had been growing for months inside the muscle of my tongue. I’d had a few odd symptoms during that time but nothing that gave me any indication it was cancer. If I hadn’t gone to the doc when I did I do wonder how long I’d have waited. I’ve heard the stories about animals sensing cancer and other illnesses but I never really believed until now!

Image credits: Lindsey Chapman


My elderly Mom gave me a shirt as a gift. When I took off the one I was wearing to try it on, she spotted a black mole on my back that was nearly an inch long, irregularly shaped like a map of New Guinea. I’d notice it weeks before, and was ignoring it. “You make an appointment with my dermatologist right now!” You don’t argue with my Mom. So I went. The doctor cut it out immediately, and the pathologist’s report came back: malignant melanoma. Luckily, in situ. My mother gave me life, again.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: David J. Winter


It was 2016. I started a walking program—10,000 steps daily. After about 6 weeks I noticed a nagging ache in my low back. It persisted for about 3 weeks and I thought I’d pulled a muscle doing housework, gardening, or walking.

I was also an avid popcorn addict. One Saturday evening I ate a bag of microwave popcorn. By midnight I was in agony. I told my adult daughter(an RN) who lives with me I was going to the ER to be treated for diverticulitis—it runs in my family (mother, father, 2 brother). She told me not to tell the ER my “self diagnosis” and I said “of course not, I’m going to tell him my symptoms and he’s going to tell me I have diverticulitis.”65+? 건강 플랜을 교체해야 하는 시기

아이셀렉트65+? 건강 플랜을 교체해야 하는 시기


I still remember the shock when the ER doctor came in and said, “well I have some bad news. It’s not diverticulitis. (I had not mentioned the condition to him.) I’m certain it’s ovarian cancer and we have a specialist coming in to see you. She’ll be here within a few hours. It was a Sunday morning. She was there before 8 a.m.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Today I’m a six year ovarian cancer survivor because it was detected early, aggressive treatment was started immediately, and I had the support of my family and an incredible medical team. (My oncologist is Dr. Hope! Isn’t that the best possible name?)

Image credits: Laura Jones

The World Health Organization reports that there were around 20 million new cancer cases and 9.7 million cancer-related deaths around the world in 2022. Around a fifth of all people develop cancer in their lifetime. And around 1 in 9 men and 1 in 12 women die from the disease.Most Windows Users Didn't Know How To Turn Off Ads

Securitytipsonline.comMost Windows Users Didn’t Know How To Turn Off Ads


Globally, the most commonly occurring cancer is lung cancer (12.4% of all new cases). The next most common are female breast cancer (11.6%), colorectal cancer (9.6%), prostate cancer (7.3%), and stomach cancer (4.9%).

Cancer deeply affects modern society. In the United States alone, in 2020, there were over 1.6 million reports of new cases of cancer. That year, more than 602,000 Americans lost their lives in the fight against cancer. The CDC states that in that year, 403 new cases were reported for every 100,000 people. 

Across the Atlantic, in the United Kingdom, there are around 375,000 new cases of cancer every year and around 167,000 deaths.


Pancreatic cancer. I noticed that every time I ate I had to poo. I really didn’t think anything about it. Until I did some hard drinking one weekend. Tuesday, I went to ER and was diagnosed with a swollen pancreas and esophageal bleeding. I was admitted to hospital then found I was Stage III. Took me 4 years and 119 lbs. But, I’ve been cancer free for 3 1/2 years.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: HCKrod314


Not me, but my husband.

I noticed that his breath had become unpleasant. The problem increased until his breath was foul. I insisted he see a dentist, and the dentist found no problem with his mouth. It was hard to get him to make an appointment with his doctor for no reason other than bad breath, but eventually he went. The doctor sent him for some tests that are routine for a man of his age. When the test results came back, she sent him for a biopsy on his prostate. The test results could have indicated cancer, or only an infection.The biopsy proved that he had prostate cancer.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

After the surgery, his breath returned to normal.

Image credits: Pam Johnson


I peed. A lot. Frequently. At first they tested for diabetes but that wasn’t it. Long story short, they found the tumor, I had radiation therapy to get rid of it, and that tumor hasn’t come back for 30 years!* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Daniel Singer

“It is very common for people to put off seeing a doctor if they suspect their symptoms might be cancer,” Dame Laura Lee, the Chief Executive at Maggie’s, shared with Bored Panda. Maggie’s is a charity that provides free expert care and support in centers across the United Kingdom and online.

“Despite medical advancements meaning people live with cancer longer than ever before, the word itself still strikes fear into people—worrying about the treatment, what it means for their family, worries about money and work, and, of course, their long-term health,” she said.

“However, most cancers are treatable if caught early enough, and many people live well with cancer for a long time.”


Mine was really odd: I noticed a small FLAT spot on the side of my breast that didn’t go away. I got it sampled and it was breast cancer. So it’s not always a discernible lump—sometimes it’s a flat place or an actual depression in the skin. And no one had ever told me that…so please, if you notice a change—any change—in your body, please see a doctor as soon as you can.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Patricia Marshall


This actually happened to my friend.

Cathy was probably late 40s or early 50s at the time. She and her husband wanted to live off the grid completely and participate in the world only on their own terms.

One day, she and her husband came down the mountain to visit, they lived two hours north. She mentioned that they were about ready for her husband to quit his job and then they’d sell everything and start over in another state.

“Before I tell him to quit, I’d like to get your opinion,” she said. “Let’s go into the bathroom. I want to show you something.”

This wasn’t something I expected or anticipated.

She lowered her pants and had me look just above her buttocks. There was a three inch growth that resembled a worm. It was large, thick, and angry looking.

“Don’t let him quit his job yet,” I said. “You need a doctor first. Do it while you still have insurance.”

“What do you think it is?”

“Way above my paygrade,” I said. I’m not medical in any way, shape, or form.

The next week, she saw her primary care doctor who turned her over to a specialist, which kind, I don’t know.

“Thanks for telling me to see the doctor,” she said. “He’s going to hang in until we get to the bottom of this.”

My friend had anal cancer. Because she wanted to handle her healing herself, she went with a natural approach and ate only things with no mothers and no faces, watched only old screwball comedies on TV. In three years she went from an 85% survival rate to terminal. By the time she went back to a ‘normal’ doctor, she was inoperable and in tremendous pain. Hospice wouldn’t provide her with enough pain medication to control her pain. It was a horrible death.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

In a nutshell, noticing something unusual needs to be investigated. Only you really know your body, keep looking for answers.

Image credits: Lisa Dooley Fisk


I’ve had four instances of breast cancer, NONE of which could be felt and I had no symptoms. The only way they were caught was in a mammogram.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공


Image credits: Susan Pyne Harward

We also asked how loved ones should act if they’re worried that someone they care about might have undiagnosed cancer.“If you’re concerned a friend or family member has cancer symptoms, it can be really hard to speak to them about seeing a doctor for fear of upsetting them. The best thing to do is to reassure them that even if it is cancer, catching it early gives them the chance of the best possible outcome and that you will be there to support them,” Lee advised.

“You can offer to take them to the appointment and know where to direct them to for support if they need it,” she said.

Our centers can support people even before their cancer diagnosis, so if you are worried, do come in and speak to one of our professional staff. And if it is cancer, we offer free support to the person with cancer, and their family and friends, in our 24 centers across the UK.”


I was chewing ice, a lot! This was new for me. My MD said it could be because of anemia, so gave me a blood test. Yup, I had anemia. He wanted to know where my blood was going, so suggested a colonoscopy. Yeah. Not thrilled; but I said, OK. It came back positive for rectal cancer. Had radiation, chemotherapy, 3 surgeries over next 18 months. Permanent colostomy now. But I’m alive! It’s been 4+years now. ALWAYS say, “yes” to tests your MD wants to run, especially the dreaded colonoscopy! (which, by the way, isn’t that bad because you’re unconscious for it)* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Renee


The very first symptom was pain in my lower abdomen. It came and went and I convinced myself that it wasn’t serious. On some level, though, I knew something was wrong. This went on for a couple of years. I began to lose weight uncontrollably. I blamed it on how much exercise I was doing. I started eating more. I stopped being very active and still became scary skinny. I thought it was weird that my pants felt so snug around my waist. It was because of the skinniness that I saw it. I was laying on my back and when I lifted my head I could see a huge lump in my lower abdomen. I went to the ER because it freaked me out. They referred me to an oncologist. It was a huge (20x10cm) tumor on my right ovary. (mucinous adenocarcinoma). That is how I first noticed my Ovarian cancer. It was a long journey, but that was 5 years ago and I have recently been declared CURED!!!* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Tiger Lily


My first symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer, Hives. Horrible itching. I would scratch until bruised. When the whites of my eyes began to yellow, I found myself at the urgent care. They immediately sent me to the Hospital for admission for liver failure. Later after MRI, a Surgeon, noted a blockage , tumor, of my bile duct. This was the reason for my hives and yellowing. Bilirubin, was backed up in my system due to tumor. A whipple was immediately performed. This was 15 years ago . I’ve since also beaten breast cancer and skin cancer. I took no treatment after. Only surgery to remove the cancers.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: JJ Newkirk

There are some positive signs that the spread of AI technology can greatly benefit healthcare systems worldwide. Recently, it was reported that a new AI tool called ‘Mia’ from Kheiron Medical Technologies and Imperial College London can detect up to 13% more breast cancers than people working in these screenings.

“These results have exceeded our expectations. Our study shows that using AI can act as an effective safety net—a tool to prevent subtler signs of cancer falling through the cracks. Seeing firsthand that the use of AI could substantially reduce the rate of missed cancers in breast screening is massive, and a major boost for our mission to transform cancer care with AI technology,” the co-author of the Study, Dr. Ben Glocker, said.


At 33 I did a self exam after taking a shower and found a lump it didn’t seem real big but enough in size that I knew it was unusual. I was in bed with my then husband and asked him to see if he felt it. He did and said he would call the doctor the next day and set up an appointment. We had 3 small children all in elementary school so I got them up and off to school. After they left I did a double check to make sure I wasn’t imagining things and found a much larger one on the baseline of my breast. Breast cancer runs in my family so I was pretty sure what I found was breast cancer. I tried to stay upbeat until I got the official diagnosis but deep down I knew I was in for a rough road. I was correct it was stage 3 cancer. That was 22 years ago and I’m still here. Five years later I had another diagnosis of cancer but it was caught early and it was stage one. I didn’t feel that one it was found on a mammogram. But months before I was feeling extremely tired and had trouble staying awake during the day. Always wondered if that was a sign that something wasn’t right with my body. The tiredness got better once my treatments were finished. Who knows. I am blessed to still be here though!* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Vicki Stevens


Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma here. I honestly didn’t notice the ones that should have been obvious: fatigue and night sweats. To be honest, even if I had seen those symptoms listed somewhere, I wouldn’t have expected that at age 22, lymphoma would be the cause.

Then one Saturday morning, as I attempted to move my bowels, the tumor perforated my intestine, releasing half-digested food into my gut. This is called peritonitis, and is equivalent to a burst appendix. The pain was immediate, intense, and enough to get me to an emergency room.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

13 weeks later, I had completed chemotherapy AND my bachelor’s degree. I’m 58 now.

Image credits: Curt Wiederhoeft


Uterine Cancer. About one year before my diagnosis I had swollen glands in my neck that hurt badly to the touch, but otherwise did not feel sick. I assumed I just had a seasonal bug, but it was nothing like I had ever experienced before. After my diagnosis it was explained to me that the lymph nodes can swell up as an early reaction to abnormal cell activity, even if elsewhere in the body. About three months before my diagnosis I started running a low-grade fever, which was quite unusual for me. I was unaware of it until I went to get my annual flu shot and my doctor told me to come back in a week when my fever was gone. The fever didn’t go away. Later it was explained as a “cancer fever” which some people get — another natural defense mechanism of the body. Then about two months before my diagnosis I started experience severe low back pain and pelvic cramps. That is what ultimately led me to my obgyn. It was a tricky diagnosis. Even a biopsy did not indicate cancer, but the doctor decided to perform a D&C as an extra measure, and that is how the cancer was found. Surgery and radiation was the treatment plan. That was 3 years ago. I just had a PET SCAN which showed I am now cancer-free, but I remain under surveillance for two more years.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Jill Andrea Lambert

There are many different types of cancer, and so there are many different potential symptoms that you might feel. But broadly speaking, if there are drastic changes in your health, if something feels off, consider speaking to a medical professional ASAP.

The NHS suggests speaking to your doctor if you have had a cough for 3 or more weeks or you’re dealing with breathlessness or chest pain. This may be a sign of pneumonia or might be something more serious. What’s more, you shouldn’t shy away from seeking medical advice if you’ve noticed changes in your bowel habits that have lasted for 3 or more weeks as well. For instance, a major worrying sign is finding blood in your excrement. 


I had a sharp pain in my left breast throughout one day last Summer. I never had this before or since. But this pain made me think I should check my breasts as I never do. To cut a long story short…I found out I had HER2 +++ breast cancer in my left breast. Surgery, chemo, radiotherapy and injections…I’m back at work 9 months later. Hoping all will be well. X* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Nicolette Loftus


Fatigue. I was a mom with a new baby at 42 and I had two elementary aged children. I also suffered from insomnia so being extremely (extremely) fatigued was the norm and I didn’t think anything of it. The month my baby turned two years old I had bloody stool everyday, so I scheduled a colonoscopy. The doctor said it could be a lot of things and thought I was just too young I might not even need the colonoscopy but scheduled one 4 months out just to see what was going on.

Come the day of the colonoscopy I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer that had already spread to my liver and lungs. I had no other symptoms, no pain, no odd bowel movements, and the bloody stool cleared up on it’s own in those few months. Honestly I was blindsided. I do not have a history of early cancer in my family (though I did have an aunt that had gotten it at 64) and all the genetic DNA tests showed that I had no hereditary cancer matches. I lived a clean life, no smoking, almost no drinking ( in the past 10 years I’ve probably had no more than 7 glasses of wine total), I didn’t even so much as go to a beauty salon to get my hair dyed or nails done. I’ve always avoided toxins, I won’t use weed-killer on my lawn (much to the chagrin of my neighbors) and I combat ants with dishsoap and chili powder. The point is, I’m pretty clean living for this day and age, and yet I still got cancer.

It’s been just about a year now, I’m 45, I had half my liver removed and the offending portion of colon, but I had new spots in my lungs show up. I will never be “cured” of cancer unless medicines get very good very quickly, and my cancer will never go into remission. My one hope is that I can make it another 9 years to see my two girls become adults and my son turn at least 12. I just don’t want them to feel cheated of losing their mother too soon.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

The real reason I’m writing this is because I was so blindsided, and apparently it’s becoming more common for people younger and younger to get colon cancer. And I really had NO noticeable symptoms. Have my bowel movements changed over my life? Sure. But I had three babies and three miscarriages and that does a lot to change how the body works. Am I overweight and live a sedentary lifestyle? Yes, that too happened over time once I became a stay-at-home-mother. I worked all kinds of jobs before, nightshifts and the like. I’ve even worked two jobs where I had to stay awake and work through 24 hour periods on multiple occasions. Fatigue and insomnia were always par for the course. So sometimes there just isn’t any “tell” before it really is too late. If anyone reading this has any odd symptoms of anything, it’s worth getting things checked out. Because you just don’t know, and at this point I just wish I had found out before my cancer had reached stage IV.

Image credits: Wisteria Wilds


I was the only one who noticed my husband had a strong offensive ( to me) odour about him that seeped into his clothing, bedding, soft furnishings. I asked his Dr about it and only got a strange look. After 3 years of this he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The odour disappeared after surgery cured him of the cancer.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Ann Ette

Blood in your urine, vaginal bleeding between periods, and coughing up blood are also worrying signs. As are lumps in your body (in your breast, underarms, groin, or testicles) that seem to be new or growing bigger. If your moles change color or size—see a doctor. If you’ve lost a lot of weight with no clear reason—again, see a doctor.

Meanwhile, other symptoms to look out for include stomach or back pains, heartburn, itchy or yellow skin, and chronic tiredness. Remember that these signs may not be cancer-related. However, you won’t know for sure unless you speak to a doctor. And on the off-chance that it is cancer, the sooner that it is diagnosed, the easier it is to eradicate.


I (now 22, then 20) F,was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. On the day of my college farewell party, I distinctively remember myself asking my roommate “Do I look fat? I think my belly is getting bigger, It feels tight.” After a month I start facing problems with breathing,I thought my asthma is back (I had a history of childhood asthma). I (with my mom) went to a doctor saying I feel uncomfortable and my stomach looks big. He told my mother “You know today’s generation, they sleep late, wake up late,doesn’t eat on time. It’s just acidity madam” Boom 1 week later I was diagnosed with 3rd stage ovarian cancer. It was a kilogram of tumour. My periods were very regular, I had no early symptoms. I advice you should get yourself checked for cancer. It really is late when you’re diagnosed.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Dyk


I had worked in health care for thirty years and pretty much knew about basic medical things both as a social worker in a big ER and an Emergency Medical Technician. One day about 6 years ago I was shaving and when I pulled the skin tight on my neck I felt a swollen lymph node. I immediately felt the other side and the node there wasn’t swollen. I knew that almost universally neck lymph nodes swelled up in pairs. Called my doctor and went to see him that afternoon. Sent me to an ENT specialist and got a blind stick neck biopsy the next day, a PET scan in a week and a throat biopsy in another week. Took less than three weeks for official confirmation but I knew the first day.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Chemo and Radiation kicked my a**. But all better now

Image credits: Robert Lanz


I really didn’t have any symptoms. I was strong healthy in great shape. Then I noticed a slight lump on the right side of my neck, thought it was a swollen gland but after two months and it didn’t go away I went to my primary care doctor and he said it was not a swollen gland and I should see an ENT which I did and she said it was a lymph node and I needed a needle biopsy. Turned out to be stage four squamous cell carcinoma and I needed surgery, radiation and chemo. 23 years later I’m still here thanks to a great team of skilled doctors.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Warren Walerzak


Yeah l had a very sore back for awhile in late 22, it got to the stage where l was having trouble just getting out of bed.

See l go see my doctor at who orders a scan. Scan results show cancer stage 4 in my left lung and which had spread to some rib bones and shoulder bones.

Went on chemo for two sessions as well as radiotherapy. The chemo nearly killed me. I couldn’t handle it. Then l got approval for a trial using a drug though having matching genes.

So now l get dosed every three weeks with this gene therapy at the local hospital which is only two km from my home. I feel pretty good most days and remain active my only b***h is numb feet which can be painful,* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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I just got some meds for them but the drug makes me a bit foggy so I am keeping them to a minimum. I do tire easily and insomnia pops up occasionally. Other than that l feel fortunate that l am not bed bound. I will be 64 this October.

Image credits: Billy Bobb


I had a fungal infection under my thumbnail. It was no big deal but annoying because it was unsightly and it did not respond to any medication, even very expensive ones. I treated it for 8 months without results.

During a routine exam my PSA levels were high, upon retesting, it was normal, then a month later high again. The suspicion was that I had Prostate Cancer, but an ultrasound revealed that I had bladder cancer and a separate kidney cancer. Stage 3 for both.

The removal of my kidney, 3 procedures to burn away the bladder cancer, 6 rounds of chemotherapy and heaps of MRI’s and cystoscopies took a year. I have been cancer free now for ten years.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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The strange part was that despite not being treated for the duration of my cancer treatment, the fungus infection healed up all by itself. That fungal infection was the only indication that I had a serious problem.

Image credits: John Fenn.


For 5 years I had occasional bright red blood in my poop. Dr. Google said I had hemmorrhoids so I never thought much about it after that. It was only when I developed Uterine cancer that the CT scan showed a 4cm tumour in my colon. At this point it was already stage 3 and I thank god for the Uterine cancer (Stage 1, cured) or I would likely be dead from the colon cancer. Never, EVER trust Dr. Google and get any bleeding checked no matter how small.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Shelley Heich


Before I was diagnosed at 42 w/colon cancer, I was exceptionally tired. The tiredness was like nothing I had ever felt before; it made me feel sick to my stomach. I was also pale although I didn’t realize it until someone asked me if I was ill. The most obvious sign: bleeding when I used the bathroom. It had started as an occasional spot/drop in my underwear (had I scratched myself? was it vaginal spotting?). Later, it was a blood spatter in the toilet. I assumed I was too young (not at all turns out). Finally had a colonoscopy…surgery, chemo. 21 years ago. But, four yrs after that cancer, I was diagnosed with a very early ovarian cancer. Turns out colon/ovarian/ breast are related in some people. That cancer had no symptoms. It was found bc I knew the connection between the three cancers and did aggressive follow-up. The doc spotted an ovarian tumor so small that it couldn’t be felt if he were to examine the ovary. Turns out my peritoneum was loaded with tiny tumors. Lesson: colon cancer w/symptoms saved my life. I never would have found the ovarian if I hadn’t been doing crazy follow-up. That cancer was 17 years ago.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Kris Webb


It was a small, bluish blemish on my left breast, slightly to the left of centre.

I have cats, and they can sometimes be a bit boisterous, so I thought it was a bruise and waited for it to go away.

Then, bending down in the shower one day to pick up my shampoo, I noticed a dent in the same breast – directly under the bluish blemish, which was still there some weeks later. I’d forgotten all about it, and hadn’t checked to see if it had gone.

I pressed the ‘bruise’ to see if it hurt. It didn’t, but I felt a lump underneath. I had a jolt of fear as I explored the lump with my fingers. It was fairly big – about 3cm long – and it was in the same breast I’d had cancer in 13 years previously.

Even though family and friends tried to reassure me that it was probably just a cyst or something, I knew it was cancer. My previous surgeon examined me, and told me it wasn’t looking good. He then sent me for the usual mammogram, biopsy and ultra sound scan to confirm his diagnosis.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Three years later, I’ve had a mastectomy, chemotherapy and other treatment, and I’m out the other side. Life is no longer ‘normal’ – I’m very tired most of the time and I have frequent stomach upsets, due to the meds I’m on, but I survived.

Image credits: Tina Haring


During the last 4–5 years I have had an occasional dry cough…..a few times a year I would cough for a few days and then the cough would go away.

Finally in October 2022 I went to a doctor to talk about my cough. She did an x-ray of my chest and found a growth between my heart and lung.

Further investigation (a few biopsies later) showed that I had Hodgkin”s Lymphoma. The cardio vascular surgeon, pulmonologist and oncologist all said that the coughing was most likely caused by the tumour pressing against a nerve (I think it’s called the vagus nerve).

Since starting chemotherapy I no longer have the cough……

Good luck!

December 2023: UPDATE…. 1 year has passed. I had 6 months (12 infusions) of hard chemotherapy and as of the end of September 2023 I was told that the cancer is in remission.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Life “post chemo” is hard but I am slowly renovating my health and renovating a cottage at the same time.

Image credits: Richard


I had a throbbing sensation at the back of my head. It only lasted maybe 3–5 seconds, but I felt it whenever I strained (like to lift something heavy) or when I tilted my head down. It began happening more and more frequently, so I went to see my nurse practitioner. At first, he thought it might be caused by neck spasms but ordered an MRI based on the frequency. The MRI revealed an almost 4cm brain tumor in my cerebellum. When it was excised and biopsied, it was determined to be Medulloblastoma – the most common brain tumor in children but extremely rare in adults, especially female. I was 38. I had my third tumor removed 10/2023. So far, so good! The Lord has blessed me time after time!* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Image credits: Keri Marlar


I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2020.

Looking back, I had no symptoms (that were obvious). Not one. The only symptom was found “by accident” on my yearly ultrasound … 2 enlarged nodules, … one which had grown larger, and one which was a new one that was large as well, and they were both big enough to warrant biopsies.

For decades I had always had very small nodules on my thyroid, but they were checked yearly (by ultrasound) to make sure they didn’t grow. (I did have some of the nodules biopsied a very long time ago, and they were all benign).

Fast forward to 2020. My endocrinologist had me schedule the yearly thyroid ultrasound, and I went to the appt. A couple of days after that ultrasound, my DR’s office called me and said one of the nodules had grown and there was a new one there also, and she wanted both biopsied.

A couple of days after getting them biopsied, on a Friday night, I remember getting an unexpected call from my endocrinologist. She told me the nodules were found to be cancerous, and that I would need surgery to remove them. She didn’t know if the cancer was contained in the nodules or not, but that I needed to call my surgeon and make an appt to see her.

After seeing the surgeon, I learned that I would need a total thyroidectomy to get rid of all the cancer; she didn’t know if it had spread or not.

I had surgery March 17th, 2020, to remove the cancer. Fortunately, it had been contained to my thyroid gland, and not surrounding tissue. I didn’t need chemotherapy or radiation.

But to answer the question, after finding out I had thyroid cancer, looking back I did not have any obvious symptoms. The only symptoms were “accidentally” found on a yearly thyroid ultrasound … which were abnormally large thyroid nodules.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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EDIT: I was 47 when diagnosed (turned 48 later that year).

Image credits: Melissa Wingfield


In 2017 we went away to Greece for a week, I’d dieted hard and lost a stone (still overweight!) and had the best holiday ever. Walked a lot, managed the hills I hadn’t previously and came home so happy.

A week later I started a chest infection which was quite normal for me after a flight only this time I coughed up the tiniest bit of blood in some phlegm. I went to the Drs a few days later and he was hesitant to send me for a chest X-ray even though I was 58 and a lifelong smoker. I felt well and was managing the infection as usual with honey and lemon drinks and Vicks vapour rub.

For some strange reason I wouldn’t take his ““oh this is quite normal” and refused to leave until he sent me across the road to X-ray. His eyes rolled to the ceiling. I had a phone call from him the next morning, obviously he couldn’t say it was cancer and I saw the X-ray, my 2″ tumour looked like the wisp of an artists paintbrush!* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Stage 2B, lobectomy and chemo in 2018 have enabled me to be one of the 35% at that stage that live 5 years so the first symptom I had that I didn’t think was one was the ability to climb hills, feel more healthy than ever and have a wonderful holiday!

Image credits: Anne Mackins


Male,30 yes old. I had a small bump on my neck which I thought I must have slept wrong, but slowly it started growing and turned painful so after a few months I went to the doctor who said a biopsy is needed. So after the biopsy and many tests I was diagnosed with advanced stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After 12 rounds of chemo. It’s been a year now. I’m cancer free and trying to get back to my life and career as soon as possible.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Ajay Kadambi


In sophomore year I wanted to join the a football team. I noticed I been feeling a little pain on my shoulder and it’s been happening my whole life. One day I said I want to go to the hospital and figure out what’s the pain I’m feeling. The next day i Went to a oncologist to get my results and I thought it was nothing. Then he told me that I had a cancerous tumor on my humerus. He said that I caught it on time so I had to start the next day on chemo.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Elijah Bardales


I was diagnosed with end-stage 1 beginning stage 2, Dukes 2 tumor in the leftside of my colon, when i was 31 years old, in January 2002. My first symptoms began when I was 15 years old, and I felt extreme pain on the right side of my abdomen. I visited the hospital and my doctors a LOT trying to track the pain’s cause. I was told it was everything from cramps (because, you know, I had only had my period for 5 years and didn’t know my own body -) to an ovarian cyst, to IBD, to appendicitis (after I had 1 ft of colon removed, I was informed by the surgeon that I didn’t have an appendix – and I hadn’t had it removed! I also was born without multiple set of molars!),to hemorrhoids, to an ectopic pregnancy. My second symptom was the thin, runny feces. Then there was blood when I defecated. Then I was so exhausted, I couldn’t get out of bed – anemia. No one put it together until Dr. Braddock, who knew both my husband and my medical history very, very well, saw me and put me in the hospital for a colonoscopy.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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Image credits: Diana Davis Rumbold


I think the first one was a sore throat that was very sore but went away quickly. I now think that was an EBV infection. (Not everyone with EBV proceeds to cancer).

Next symptom was itchy skin. Treated for allergies. Told to change my soap powder, get rid of my dog, buy a fancy vacuum cleaner, go on an exclusion diet, give up gluten, fruit, nuts, milk etc, etc.

Next symptom. Tiredness. Treated for depression. Suggested post viral fatigue. M.E.

Finally (3 years from onset of itchy skin). Lump like a grape in my throat. Treated as infection with antibiotics.

Finally, finally, finally, referred (not an urgent referral) to hospital. Young doctor knew right away…..* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.© Bored Panda 제공

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Lucky for me, low grade, indolent, successfully treated.

Image credits: Joyce Ito


Severe Constipation. Achy tummy for no reason.

Severe, severe fatigue. Never could get enough sleep to feel any bit of rest. Could sleep hours or a a whole day or two and still felt so fatigued. I say fatigue bc it’s a big difference between fatigue and tired. Cancer causes severe fatigue not tiredness.

I didn’t lose weight like majority people.

Bowel frequency.* 이 글은 허핑턴포스트US의 35 Cancer Survivors Reveal What Symptoms Got Them To See A Doctor For Tests를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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By Ozlibo

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