WA주 스털링 산맥의 블러프 놀에 눈이 내리자 기뻐하는 하이커들

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WA주 스털링 산맥의 블러프 놀에 눈이 내리자 기뻐하는 하이커들

등산객들은 서호주 남부의 봉우리를 오르기 위해 용감하게 얼어붙은 날씨를 견뎌내며 드물게 눈을 볼 수 있습니다.

Albany에서 북쪽으로 약 100km 떨어진 Stirling Range에서 가장 높은 봉우리인 Bluff Knoll(Bular Mial) 정상에 밤새 눈보라가 내렸습니다.

멀리 퍼스(Perth)에서 온 약 12명의 등산객들이 1,099m 봉우리의 정상에서 겨울 원더랜드를 만났습니다.

Mount Barker의 Harry Rout과 Albany의 Calum Duffield가 처음이 아닌 정상에 올랐습니다.

“그냥 무언가가 있습니다.” Rout 씨가 말했습니다.

“900미터 고도에 도달했을 때 먼지를 보는 것은 꽤 멋졌습니다.”

Rout 씨는 그의 가족이 그의 모험적인 성격에 익숙해졌다고 말했습니다.

“엄마는 이제 익숙해졌고, 나는 살금살금 집을 나갔다”고 그는 말했다.

“차 문이 쾅 닫히는 소리를 듣자마자 그녀는 내가 어디로 가는지 알았습니다.”

한파로 인해 지역 전체에 기온이 급락했습니다.

쌀쌀한 날씨가 며칠간 계속될 전망입니다.

WA에는 눈이 드물게 내리고 스털링 산맥의 가장 높은 봉우리에는 1년에 한두 번 가벼운 먼지가 흩날립니다.

오늘 남해안에는 돌풍과 우박을 동반한 돌풍이 예상됩니다.

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Hikers delighted as snow falls on Bluff Knoll in WA’s Stirling Range

ABC Great Southern

 / By Sophie JohnsonAndrew Collins, and Samantha Goerling

Posted 8h ago8 hours ago, updated 6h ago6 hours ago

Snow falls on Bluff Knoll, WA

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Hikers have braved freezing conditions to climb a peak in southern Western Australia for a rare glimpse of snow.

Key points:

  • Snow has fallen on the Stirling Range for the first time this year
  • Hikers were greeted with a spectacular sight as the sun rose over Bluff Knoll
  • Cold conditions in the region are forecast to persist for several day

Overnight a dusting of snow fell on the top of Bluff Knoll (Bular Mial), the highest peak in the Stirling Range, about 100 kilometres north of Albany.

About a dozen hikers from as far afield as Perth were met with a winter wonderland at the summit of the 1,099-metre peak.

Harry Rout from Mount Barker and Calum Duffield from Albany made the climb to the top, and not for the first time.

“There’s just something about it,” Mr Rout said.

“It was pretty cool seeing a dusting when we got to 900 metres elevation.”

Snow on a mountain at sunrise.
Snow falls on the range once or twice a year.(ABC Great Southern: Sophie Johnson)
Three smiling young men standing on the peak of a snowy mountain.
Callum Duffield, Jake Reid and Harry Rout at the summit of Bluff Knoll.(ABC Great Southern: Samantha Goerling)

Mr Rout said his family had grown accustomed to his adventurous nature.

“Mum got used to it now, I crept out of the house,” he said.

“As soon as she heard the car door slam, she knew where I was going.”

Hikers silhouetted at sunrise on a snowfield.
The hikers were up early to see the sun rise over the range.(ABC Great Southern: Samantha Goerling)
Two young men sitting on some rocks next to a small snowman.
The chilly conditions did not deter Samuel Morrison and Jake Reid.(ABC Great Southern: Samantha Goerling)

A cold snap sent temperatures plummeting across the region.

The chilly conditions are forecast to persist for several days.

A group of hikers on a snowy mountain ridge, taking selfies.
A handful of hikers braved the freezing conditions to take in the sights.(ABC Great Southern: Sophie Johnson)
A smiling young man sits on a rock next to a snowman.
Samuel Morrison hanging out with a cool guy (left) on Bluff Knoll.(ABC Great Southern: Sophie Johnson)

Snow falls sparsely in WA and the highest peaks in the Stirling Range get a light dusting once or twice a year.

There are squally storms forecast for the south coast today, with a chance of hail and gusty winds.

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Posted 8h ago8 hours ago, updated 6h ago