폭풍 안토니, 시속 78마일의 바람과 폭우로 영국 강타

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폭풍 안토니, 시속 78마일의 바람과 폭우로 영국 강타

폭풍 안토니가 영국을 강타하면서 토요일에 거의 반달 분량의 비가 일부 지역에 내리면서 강한 바람이 영국을 강타했습니다.

기상청은 쓰러진 나무, 이류, 부적합한 건물 구조물의 가능성으로 안전 주의를 권고함에 따라 생명 위험 경보가 발령되었습니다.

기상청은 웨일즈와 잉글랜드 남서부를 덮는 돌풍 피해 가능성이 있는 황색 경보를 발령했습니다.

한편, 영국 남부 지역에는 계절에 맞지 않는 바람이 많이 부는 노란색 경보가 발령되었고 잉글랜드 남동부와 이스트앵글리아 지역에는 노란색 뇌우 경보가 발령되었습니다.

기상청 기상학자인 Simon Partridge는 Tor Bay의 Berry Head에서 시속 78mph(125km/h)의 돌풍이 측정되었고 North Yorkshire의 Scarborough에서는 43mm의 비가 내렸으며 이는 8월 평균 강우량의 거의 절반에 해당한다고 말했습니다.

North Yorkshire의 홍수로 인해 많은 사람들이 Loftus와 Carlin How에 있는 집에서 대피했습니다.

더블린 소방대는 성명을 통해 밤새 폭우로 인한 홍수로 인해 더블린 클론타프에 있는 집에서 8명이 대피했다고 밝혔다.

철도 서비스도 차질을 빚었다고 Partrigde씨는 덧붙였습니다. Great Western Railway는 승객들에게 선로에 쓰러진 나무 수가 많기 때문에 Exeter와 Penzance 사이를 여행하지 말라고 경고했다고 말했습니다.

Devon과 Cornwall에서도 많은 도로가 차단되었습니다.

그는 “현재 비는 여전히 계속되고 있으며 특히 잉글랜드 북부와 이스트앵글리아 전역에 천둥과 비가 상당히 내리고 있다”고 덧붙였다.

폭풍은 또한 뉴캐슬의 음악 축제와 연례 Dorset 재즈 축제인 Stompin’ On The Quomps를 포함한 야외 행사를 취소하도록 강요했습니다.

Craig David, Patrick Topping, Sean Paul 및 Example을 포함한 80명 이상의 아티스트가 공연할 예정인 Newcastle의 LooseFest에는 약 60,000명의 사람들이 참석할 예정이었습니다.

하지만 축제는 안전에 대한 우려로 개장 직전에 취소됐다.

LooseFest의 브라이언 오스틴(Brian Austin) 이사는 “가슴 아픈” 결정을 설명하면서 “매우 어려운 결정이었지만 페스티벌 참가자부터 아티스트, 스태프, 현장의 모든 사람에 이르기까지 모든 사람의 안전이 가장 중요했습니다.”라고 말했습니다.

Stompin’ On The Quomps의 주최자인 Eliot Walker는 폭풍 안토니로 인해 10,000명이 참석할 것으로 예상되는 올해 행사를 연기해야 했기 때문에 “실망스럽다”고 말했습니다.

크라이스트처치 키의 무료 축제는 30년 역사상 처음으로 활동을 취소해야 했습니다.

그러나 Brighton and Hove Pride 퍼레이드 참석자들은 행사가 토요일 계획대로 진행됨에 따라 날씨가 스포츠를 망치는 것을 거부했습니다.

브라이튼 프라이드의 폴 켐프 전무이사는 “우리는 사람들에게 판초를 입도록 권장해 글라스톤베리처럼 보일 수 있도록 했다”고 말했다.

연례 행사는 주말 동안 £20m 이상의 경제를 활성화할 것으로 예상되는 도시 최대의 단일 행사입니다.

씻은 토요일에도 불구하고 영국인들은 여전히 주말의 일부를 구할 수 있습니다.

Partridge 씨는 “폭풍우가 오늘 저녁까지 맑아지고 자정이 되면 거의 모두 사라질 것”이라며 일요일은 더 건조하고 밝은 날이 될 것으로 예상된다고 덧붙였습니다.

예보관은 8월 중순과 말에는 기상 조건이 더 좋아질 수 있다고 덧붙였습니다.

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Storm Antoni hits UK with 78mph winds and heavy rain

Ad: 0:07



Maanya Sachdeva

Sun, 6 August 2023 at 9:18 am AEST

Strong winds lashed the UK as nearly half a month’s worth of rain fell in some places on Saturday as Storm Antoni hit the country.

A danger to life alert was issued as the weather service advised safety precautions due to the possibility of falling trees, riptides, and inadequate building structures.

The Met Office issued an amber warning, with the potential for damaging gusts of wind, covering Wales and southwest England.

Meanwhile, a yellow warning for “unseasonably windy weather” was in place for southern parts of the UK and a yellow thunderstorm warning was issued for southeast England and East Anglia.

Brighton as Storm Antoni brings rain and high winds (AFP)
Brighton as Storm Antoni brings rain and high winds (AFP)

Met Office meteorologist Simon Partridge said gusts of 78mph (125km/h) were measured in Berry Head, in Tor Bay, and 43mm of rain fell in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, or almost half of the average rainfall in August.

Flooding in North Yorkshire led to a number of people being evacuated from their homes in Loftus and Carlin How.

Eight people were also evacuated from their homes in Clontarf, Dublin, after spot flooding caused by heavy rainfall overnight, the Dublin Fire Brigade said in a statement.

A person attempts to surf next to the Palace Pier in Brighton (AFP)
A person attempts to surf next to the Palace Pier in Brighton (AFP)

Rail services were also disrupted, Mr Partrigde added, noting that Great Western Railway had warned passengers not to travel between Exeter and Penzance due to the number of trees which had fallen on the track.

A number of roads had also been blocked in Devon and Cornwall.

“The rain is still ongoing at the moment, there’s still a fair bit of thunder and rain, particularly across northern England and East Anglia,” he added.

Waves crash against Dorset shore as danger to life warning issued (PA)
Waves crash against Dorset shore as danger to life warning issued (PA)

The storm also forced the cancellation of outdoor events, including a music festival in Newcastle as well as the annual Dorset jazz festival Stompin’ On The Quomps.

Around 60,000 people were scheduled to attend LooseFest in Newcastle, where over 80 artists – including Craig David, Patrick Topping, Sean Paul and Example – were set to perform.

However, the festival was called off just before gates opened as a result of safety fears.

Revellers brave the heavy rain and strong winds during Brighton & Hove Pride 2023 (Getty)
Revellers brave the heavy rain and strong winds during Brighton & Hove Pride 2023 (Getty)

Explaining the “heartbreaking” decision, director of LooseFest Brian Austin said: “It was an extremely difficult decision, but the safety of every single person, from the festivalgoers to the artists, crew and everyone on site was paramount.”

Eliot Walker, organiser of Stompin’ On The Quomps, said he was “disappointed” he had to postpone this year’s event, which 10,000 people were expected to attend, due to Storm Antoni.

The free festival in Christchurch Quay was forced to cancel its activities for the first time in its 30-year history.

However, attendees of the Brighton and Hove Pride parade refused to let the weather play spoil sport, as the event went ahead as planned on Saturday.

Waves crash over the breakwater by Newhaven Lighthouse, East Sussex (AFP)
Waves crash over the breakwater by Newhaven Lighthouse, East Sussex (AFP)

Brighton Pride’s managing director Paul Kemp said: “We’ve encouraged people to wear ponchos so it might be a little bit Glastonbury.”

The annual celebration is the city’s largest single event, expected to boost the economy by more than £20m over the weekend.

Despite a washed-out Saturday, Britons can still salvage part of their weekend.

“The storm is going to clear through this evening, it will pretty much all be gone by midnight,” Mr Partridge said, adding that Sunday is expected to be a drier, brighter day.

Better weather conditions could on the way for the middle and end of August, the forecaster added.


Storm Antoni hits UK with 78mph winds and heavy rain

Ad: 0:07



Maanya Sachdeva

Sun, 6 August 2023 at 9:18 am AEST

Strong winds lashed the UK as nearly half a month’s worth of rain fell in some places on Saturday as Storm Antoni hit the country.

A danger to life alert was issued as the weather service advised safety precautions due to the possibility of falling trees, riptides, and inadequate building structures.

The Met Office issued an amber warning, with the potential for damaging gusts of wind, covering Wales and southwest England.

Meanwhile, a yellow warning for “unseasonably windy weather” was in place for southern parts of the UK and a yellow thunderstorm warning was issued for southeast England and East Anglia.

Brighton as Storm Antoni brings rain and high winds (AFP)
Brighton as Storm Antoni brings rain and high winds (AFP)

Met Office meteorologist Simon Partridge said gusts of 78mph (125km/h) were measured in Berry Head, in Tor Bay, and 43mm of rain fell in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, or almost half of the average rainfall in August.

Flooding in North Yorkshire led to a number of people being evacuated from their homes in Loftus and Carlin How.

Eight people were also evacuated from their homes in Clontarf, Dublin, after spot flooding caused by heavy rainfall overnight, the Dublin Fire Brigade said in a statement.

A person attempts to surf next to the Palace Pier in Brighton (AFP)
A person attempts to surf next to the Palace Pier in Brighton (AFP)

Rail services were also disrupted, Mr Partrigde added, noting that Great Western Railway had warned passengers not to travel between Exeter and Penzance due to the number of trees which had fallen on the track.

A number of roads had also been blocked in Devon and Cornwall.

“The rain is still ongoing at the moment, there’s still a fair bit of thunder and rain, particularly across northern England and East Anglia,” he added.

Waves crash against Dorset shore as danger to life warning issued (PA)
Waves crash against Dorset shore as danger to life warning issued (PA)

The storm also forced the cancellation of outdoor events, including a music festival in Newcastle as well as the annual Dorset jazz festival Stompin’ On The Quomps.

Around 60,000 people were scheduled to attend LooseFest in Newcastle, where over 80 artists – including Craig David, Patrick Topping, Sean Paul and Example – were set to perform.

However, the festival was called off just before gates opened as a result of safety fears.

Revellers brave the heavy rain and strong winds during Brighton & Hove Pride 2023 (Getty)
Revellers brave the heavy rain and strong winds during Brighton & Hove Pride 2023 (Getty)

Explaining the “heartbreaking” decision, director of LooseFest Brian Austin said: “It was an extremely difficult decision, but the safety of every single person, from the festivalgoers to the artists, crew and everyone on site was paramount.”

Eliot Walker, organiser of Stompin’ On The Quomps, said he was “disappointed” he had to postpone this year’s event, which 10,000 people were expected to attend, due to Storm Antoni.

The free festival in Christchurch Quay was forced to cancel its activities for the first time in its 30-year history.

However, attendees of the Brighton and Hove Pride parade refused to let the weather play spoil sport, as the event went ahead as planned on Saturday.

Waves crash over the breakwater by Newhaven Lighthouse, East Sussex (AFP)
Waves crash over the breakwater by Newhaven Lighthouse, East Sussex (AFP)

Brighton Pride’s managing director Paul Kemp said: “We’ve encouraged people to wear ponchos so it might be a little bit Glastonbury.”

The annual celebration is the city’s largest single event, expected to boost the economy by more than £20m over the weekend.

Despite a washed-out Saturday, Britons can still salvage part of their weekend.

“The storm is going to clear through this evening, it will pretty much all be gone by midnight,” Mr Partridge said, adding that Sunday is expected to be a drier, brighter day.

Better weather conditions could on the way for the middle and end of August, the forecaster added.

Additional reporting by PA

onal reporting by PA