10kg의 호주 집 벽 안쪽 발견: ‘어디에나 숨겨져 있다’

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10kg의 호주 집 벽 안쪽 발견: ‘어디에나 숨겨져 있다’

거주자가 지금까지 벽 안에 무엇이 있었는지 깨닫는 데는 시간이 걸렸습니다.

Ballarat에 거주하는 Chris가 지난주에 집에서 발견한 “다색” 발견을 준비할 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없었습니다.

“우리는 창문을 교체하고 있었습니다. 땅에 거대한 덩어리가 있었습니다.” 그가 Yahoo News Australia에 말했습니다. “저는 걸어가서 유리공에게 말했습니다. ‘저건 정말 이상하게 보이는 단열재입니다.’

두 사람은 멜버른 북서쪽에 위치한 “전형적인 교외” 주택 내부의 ‘단열재’에 완전히 당황했고, 일반적으로 사용되는 재료인 말털이 되기에는 “너무 가늘다”고 생각하며 그것이 무엇인지에 대해 토론했습니다.

“그런 다음 이전 거주자가 홈 살롱을 가지고 있다는 생각이 들었습니다.”

모발 단열재로 인해 거주자가 완전히 ‘그로 아웃’되었습니다.
최대 10kg의 사람 머리카락이 창 개구부 위의 격벽에 “사방에 숨겨져” 두 사람이 이전에 손으로 “털을 움켜쥔” 후 “뒤로” 물러났습니다.

“당신은 그들이 말하는 것을 알고 있습니다, 머리카락이 무언가에 붙어있을 때 역겨운 것이 아니라 무언가에 붙어 있지 않으면 역겨운 것입니다. “라고 Chris는 말했습니다. “창문이 나간 이후로 바람이 라운지 룸으로 불고 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다.”

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글레이저는 Chris가 지붕에서 더 많은 가방을 발견한 후 사람의 머리카락을 제거하고 처리하겠다고 제안했으며, 한 친구는 마법에 관련된 사람에게 완벽한 설정이라고 농담으로 제안했습니다.

인간의 머리카락이 처음에 왜 거기에 있었는지에 대한 표시는 없지만 Chris는 그의 가족이 12월에 이사한 부동산을 개조할 더 많은 계획이 있으며 더 많은 것이 발견될 수 있다고 믿습니다.

“그 지역은 천장에 있는 접근 구멍에서 먼 곳이었기 때문에 그들이 그것을 넣기 위해 저기까지 기어갔다면 아마 다른 곳에도 두었을 것이라고 생각합니다.”

Disturbing 10kg find inside walls of Aussie home: ‘Stashed everywhere’

It took a moment for the resident to realise what had been inside his walls all this time.

Sophie Coghill

·News Reporter

Tue, 25 July 2023 at 1:04 pm AEST

Nothing could have prepared Ballarat resident Chris for the “multicoloured” discovery he made last week in his home.

“We were getting our windows replaced … there was this huge clump on the ground,” he told Yahoo News Australia. “I walked up and said to the glazier, ‘That’s a really weird looking insulation’.”

Left, the window is being moved in by a crane. Right, the weird 10kg find can be seen peaking out of the wall.
Ballarat resident Chris was getting his window replaced and was totally ‘grossed out’ by the weird 10kg find inside the walls. Source: Supplied

The two men were completely perplexed by the ‘insulation’ inside the “typical suburban” home, situated northwest of Melbourne, and debated what it was, believing it was “too fine” to be horse hair which is a commonly used material.

“Then it dawned on me that the previous occupant had a home salon.”

The human hair was all different coloured and had been stashed inside the walls, with severeal more bags found inside the roof. Source: Supplied
The human hair was all different colours and had been stashed inside the walls, with several more bags found inside the roof. Source: Supplied

Resident totally ‘grossed out’ by hair insulation

Up to 10 kilograms of human hair was “stashed everywhere” in the bulkhead above the window opening, causing the two men to “back away” after earlier “grabbing tufts of it” with their hands.

“You know what they say, hair is not gross when it’s attached to something but as soon as it’s not attached to something it’s gross,” Chris said. “I realised since the window was out, the wind was blowing it into the lounge room.”

The glazier offered to remove and dispose of the human hair after Chris founds bags more in the roof, with a friend jokingly suggesting it was the perfect set-up for someone involved in witchcraft.

Although there is no indication why the human hair was put there in the first place, Chris shared his family have more plans to renovate the property they moved into in December and he believes it’s likely more could be discovered.

“That area was a long way from the access hole in the ceiling so I’m thinking if they’ve crawled all the way over there to put it in, they’ve probably put it elsewhere as well.”