찰스 왕이 첫 번째 Trooping the Color 퍼레이드를 축하합니다

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찰스 왕이 첫 번째 Trooping the Color 퍼레이드를 축하합니다.

찰스 3세 국왕은 주권자로서의 첫 공식 생일 퍼레이드를 축하하기 위해 말을 타고 군인들을 시찰했습니다.

Trooping the Colour로 알려진 이 퍼레이드는 1760년부터 열렸습니다.

그것은 국왕의 5월 6일 대관식이 있은 지 불과 몇 주 만에 열렸습니다. 군악대가 연주하는 음악과 함께 주홍 코트와 곰가죽 모피 모자를 쓰고 런던 중심부에서 행진하는 또 다른 의식입니다.

74세의 찰스 왕은 말을 타고 등장하여 그의 어머니인 엘리자베스 2세 여왕이 60세인 1986년에 포기한 전통을 되살렸습니다.

영국군은 국왕에게 연례 경의를 표하는 로열 살루트로 왕을 맞이했습니다.

공물 기간 동안 Charles 왕은 8,000 명의 관중 앞에서 군인을 시찰했습니다.

왕의 뒤를 이어 그의 아들 웨일스 공, 누이동생 앤 공주, 형 에딘버러 공작도 말을 탔습니다.

여왕과 웨일스의 공주는 마차를 타고 뒤따랐다.

의식에 배치된 연대 깃발이라고도 알려진 색상은 웨일스 근위대 제1대대 소속입니다.

퍼레이드 후 왕실 가족은 버킹엄 궁전으로 돌아와 건물의 유명한 발코니에 모여 약 70대의 군용기와 헬리콥터의 비행을 관람했습니다.

왕의 어린 손자 중 3명(미래의 왕이 될 조지 왕자(9세), 루이스 왕자(5세), 샬롯 공주(8세))은 빨간색 넥타이와 파란색 블레이저를 걸친 왕자들과 세라복을 입은 샬롯과 함께 발코니에서 나머지 가족들과 합류했습니다. 빨간색 트림.

그들은 궁전 밖에 모인 군중과 궁전으로 이어지는 길인 The Mall에 환호했습니다.

하늘이 맑다는 것은 군중이 낮은 구름으로 인해 대관식 비행에 합류하지 못한 태풍 전투기와 레드 애로우를 포함한 전체 공중 전시를 보았다는 것을 의미합니다.

C-130 Hercules도 거의 60년의 서비스를 마치고 퇴역하기 전에 수송기의 마지막 의식 비행에 참여했습니다.

Charles는 그의 어머니 Elizabeth 여왕이 96세의 나이로 9월에 사망하면서 왕이 되었습니다.

Trooping the Color는 영국 군주의 공식 생일을 기념하며 보통 6월에 열립니다.

Charles의 실제 생일은 11월 14일입니다.


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King Charles celebrates first Trooping the Colour parade

Posted 7h ago7 hours ago, updated 2h ago2 hours ago

The royal family waves to Trooping the Colour crowds from the balcony.(Reuters)

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King Charles III has celebrated his first official birthday parade as sovereign by riding on horseback to inspect soldiers in a ceremony. 

Key points:

  • King Charles appeared on horseback, reviving a tradition Queen Elizabeth II gave up in 1986
  • The parade, known as Trooping the Colour has been held since 1760
  • During the parade, King Charles carried out an inspection of soldiers in front of 8,000 spectators

The parade, known as Trooping the Colour, has been held since 1760.

It comes just weeks after the King’s May 6 coronation, another ceremony featuring soldiers marching in scarlet coats and bearskin fur hats in central London accompanied to music played by military bands.

King Charles, 74, appeared on horseback, reviving a tradition which his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II gave up in 1986 when she was 60. 

The British military greeted the King with a Royal Salute, an annual tribute to the monarch.

King Chales in red uniform with tall black fluffy hat covering his eyes as he sits on black horse.
King Charles III rides on horseback during the Trooping the Colour parade to mark his first official birthday as sovereign.(AP: Alastair Grant)

During the tribute, King Charles carried out an inspection of soldiers in front of 8,000 spectators.

The King was followed by his son the Prince of Wales, his sister Princess Anne and his brother the Duke of Edinburgh who were also on horseback.

Three men in large bearskin hats and a woman in a small black hat with a red feather in it, ride horses.
The 74-year-old rode on horseback during the parade.(Reuters: Toby Melville)

The Queen and the Princess of Wales followed in a carriage.

A woman in a green dress and hat sits next to a woman in a red coat and hat.
Queen Camilla and The Princess of Wales attended the parade by riding in a carriage.( Reuters: Toby Melville)

The colour, also known as the regimental flag, that was trooped in the ceremony belongs to the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards.

Three children, their mum and dad and their grandparents wave while standing on a balcony.
The British royal family waved to thousands of spectators who gathered in London. (Reuters: Toby Melville)

After the parade, the royal family returned to Buckingham Palace and gathered on the building’s famous balcony to watch a fly-past of about 70 military aircraft and helicopters.

Three of the king’s young grandchildren — future king Prince George, nine, Prince Louis, five, and Princess Charlotte, eight — joined the rest of the family on the balcony with the princes sporting red ties and blue blazers and Charlotte in a sailor suit with red trim.

They were cheered by the crowds who gathered outside the palace and in The Mall, the avenue leading up to it.

The Red Arrows fly over Buckingham Palace with crowd watching.
The Red Arrows fly over Buckingham Palace, as members of the royal family stand on the balcony.(Reuters: Toby Melville)

Clear skies mean crowds saw a full air display, including Typhoon fighters and Red Arrows, jets that were prevented from joining the coronation fly-past due to low cloud.

The C-130 Hercules also took part, the transport plane’s final ceremonial flight before being retired after almost 60 years of service.

Jets spelling out the King's initials CR in the sky.
The Red Arrows fly over Buckingham Palace.(Reuters: Toby Melville)

Charles became king when his mother Queen Elizabeth died aged 96 in September.

Trooping the Colour marks the official Birthday of Britain’s monarch and is usually held in June.

Charles’s actual birthday is November 14.

King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla greets crowd at the Buckingham Palace's balcony.
King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort, greet the crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace after the Trooping the Colour parade.(AP: Alastair Grant)


Posted 7h ago7 hours ago, updated 2h ago