공포 경찰 총격 사건의 충격 디테일

두 명의 경찰과 무고한 이웃이 종교적으로 동기가 부여된 테러 공격이라고 불리는 잔인한 살인 사건이 카메라에 포착되어 세 사람 모두 총에 맞아 죽기 전에 살인범과 상호 작용하지 않았음을 보여주었다고 법원이 밝혔습니다.

충격적인 세부 사항은 여러 가족과 지역사회를 분열시키고 국가를 충격에 빠뜨린 퀸즐랜드 서부 다운스 지역의 위암빌라에서 비극이 발생한 지 약 6개월 후에 나옵니다.

기나긴 검시를 향한 첫 걸음은 목요일 브리즈번 치안 법원에서 시작되었습니다.

Train 가족 구성원인 Nathaniel과 Gareth Train 형제와 그의 아내 Stacey는 작년 12월 12일 Wains Rd 부동산에 참석하던 중 경찰관 Rachel McCrow(29)와 Matthew Arnold(26)를 살해했습니다.

경찰관들은 몇 달 동안 실종된 것으로 보고된 전 NSW 학교 교장 Nathaniel의 복지 점검을 실시하고 있었습니다.

세 번째 경찰 Keely Brough는 트리오가 그녀에게 총을 쏘자 숲으로 도망 쳤고 네 번째 경찰관 Randall Kirk는 부상을 입었습니다.

58세의 이웃 Alan Dare는 나중에 부동산을 조사하러 갔을 때 기차에 의해 살해되었습니다.

중무장한 경찰은 나중에 그날 밤 긴 포위 공격 중에 기차 가족의 모든 구성원을 사살했습니다.

목요일 테리 라이언 주 검시관은 법정을 열면서 6명의 죽음으로 영향을 받은 가족들에게 애도를 표했습니다.

그는 법원에서 “이러한 문제에 대해 매우 포괄적인 조사가 진행되고 있다”고 말했다.

Nathaniel과 Stacey Train의 아들이자 Gareth Train의 조카인 Aidan Train이 전화로 등장하는 동안 많은 실무자들이 검시관 법정을 가득 메웠습니다.

법원은 그 자신과 그의 여동생 Madelyn이 향후 조사에 출두하기 위한 법률 지원 기금 신청이 계류 중이라는 말을 들었습니다.

검시관을 돕는 변호인 Ruth O’Gorman KC는 각각의 죽음이 가족들에게 큰 고통과 슬픔을 안겨주었다고 말했습니다.

“죽음에 대한 검시관 조사에 대한 대중의 관심은 이해할 수 있습니다.”라고 Ms O’Gorman이 말했습니다.

Ms O’Gorman은 간략한 개요를 제공하면서 McCrow와 Arnold 순경이 12월 12일 오후에 건물의 울타리를 뛰어넘었다고 말했습니다.

몇 분 안에 그들은 “하나 이상의” 기차에 의해 치명상을 입었습니다.

두 경찰관의 몸에 착용한 카메라 영상은 … 경찰에 첫 총격이 가해지기 전에 건물에 있던 사람들과 상호작용이 없었다는 것을 보여주었습니다.”라고 그녀는 말했습니다.

법원은 Train 가족이 Constable Brough가 덤불로 도망쳐 피난처를 찾는 동안 불을 피울 때 발포했다고 들었습니다.

그들은 또한 건물 앞의 경찰 차량에 불을 질렀습니다.

커크 경호는 도보로 도망쳤고 탈출하는 동안 다리에 총을 맞았습니다.

오후 5시 30분경 Mr Dare와 다른 남자는 시작된 화재를 조사하기 위해 부동산으로 갔다.

Mr Dare의 치명적인 총격은 자신의 비디오에 캡처되었으며 다시 한 번 Trains와 상호 작용하지 않았음을 보여주었다고 Ms O’Gorman은 말했습니다.

그녀는 경찰관들이 무사히 집으로 돌아갈 것이라는 기대가 있었고, 순경들이 일상적인 업무를 수행하던 중 사망한 것은 더욱 충격적이었다고 말했다.

Ms O’Gorman은 Train 가족에 대해 Nathaniel과 Stacey가 결혼했지만 별거했고 그녀는 그의 형인 Gareth와 재혼했다고 말했습니다.

법원은 Gareth의 전과 기록이 경미하지만 Nathaniel과 Stacey는 전과가 없다고 들었습니다. Ms O’Gorman은 그들이 왜 그런 식으로 행동했는지에 대한 질문이 있다고 설명했습니다.

Stacey는 2021년까지 지역 학교의 커리큘럼 책임자였습니다.

Ms O’Gorman은 Nathaniel이 2021년 8월 심장마비를 겪기 전까지 NSW 컨트리의 한 학교 교장이었다고 말했습니다.

같은 해 12월에 그는 불법적으로 NSW-퀸즐랜드 국경을 넘어 등록된 총기 중 일부를 버렸습니다.

Ms O’Gorman은 “그는 퀸즐랜드에 입국할 당시 유효한 무기 면허를 소지하고 있었습니다.”라고 말했습니다.

법원은 경찰이 2022년 8월 국경 횡단과 관련하여 Nathaniel을 찾기 위해 Trains의 Wieambilla 부동산에 참석했다고 들었습니다.

그들은 게이트에 전화 카드를 남겼습니다.

나중에 Nathaniel에 대한 체포 영장이 발부되었습니다.

Ms O’Gorman은 Nathaniel이 11월에 NSW 경찰에 실종된 것으로 보고되었고 한 달 후 그들은 Chinchilla에 있는 경찰서에 연락하여 경찰관들에게 Trains 소유지에서 조사를 요청했다고 설명했습니다.

추후 조사에서 경찰은 열차가 “전천년설”로 알려진 극단주의 기독교 이데올로기를 따르고 있다고 판단했습니다.

Stacey의 일기 항목은 경찰을 “악마”로 언급했습니다.

Gareth와 Stacey가 총격을 인정한 지 불과 몇 시간 만에 업로드한 오싹한 YouTube 동영상도 발견되었습니다.

Ms O’Gorman은 인터뷰, 152명의 목격자 진술, 재산 둘러보기, 시체에 대한 법의학 조사가 모두 퀸즐랜드 경찰의 윤리 기준에 따라 수행되었다고 말했습니다.

사령부, 다른 조사 라인 중에서.

또한 Train trio의 이전 활동과 온라인 게시물도 포함되었습니다.

Ms O’Gorman은 조사가 연말까지 완료될 것으로 예상되지 않는다고 말했습니다.

그녀는 2024년까지는 목록에 포함되지 않을 것이라고 말하는 것 외에는 검시관 조사가 언제 진행될 것인지, 얼마나 오래 진행될 것인지에 대한 일정을 줄 수 없다고 밝혔습니다.

올해 초 퀸즐랜드 경찰청장 트레이시 린포드는 세 사람이 “자율 세포” 역할을 하고 공격을 “계획”했다는 증거가 있다고 말했습니다.

재산을 조사한 결과 공격에 대비하여 나무에 설치된 강철 장벽, 흙더미 및 거울과 탈출을 위한 집의 트랩 도어를 발견했습니다.

법원은 조사가 Nathaniel의 실종자 신고에 대한 경찰의 대응, 그의 Queensland 입국, 실종자 방송, NSW와 Queensland 경찰 간의 통신을 포함하여 다양한 문제를 다룰 것으로 예상된다고 들었습니다.

“당시 NSW 경찰은 Nathaniel과 Gareth Train에 대해 무엇을 알고 있었으며 무엇을 전달했습니까?” Ms O’Gorman이 말했습니다.

“알아야 할 위험 신호가 있었습니까?”

다른 주제는 4명의 경찰관을 재산으로 보내기로 한 결정, Mr Dare의 총격 상황, 열차에서 사용된 탄약과 무기, 그리고 그것들이 불법적으로 획득되었는지 여부를 다룰 것입니다.

조사는 또한 경찰관들이 총기 사용에 대해 적절한 훈련을 받았는지 여부를 조사할 것입니다.

추가 사전 조사 회의는 내년에 개최됩니다.

Shock detail in horror cop shooting

Thu, 15 June 2023 at 10:50 am AEST

A pre-inquest conference into the deaths of six people during a horror shooting at a rural Queensland property has begun.
A pre-inquest conference into the deaths of six people during a horror shooting at a rural Queensland property has begun.

The cold-blooded murders of two cops and an innocent neighbour in what has been called a religiously-motivated terror attack were captured on camera, showing all three had no interactions with their murderers before being gunned down, a court has been told.

The shocking detail comes some six months after the tragedy at Wieambilla, in Queensland’s Western Downs region, which tore multiple families and communities apart and shocked the nation.

The first step towards a lengthy coronial inquest began at the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Thursday.

Members of the Train family – brothers Nathaniel and Gareth Train, and his wife Stacey – murdered constables Rachel McCrow, 29, and Matthew Arnold, 26, when they attended the Wains Rd property on December 12 last year.

Queensland constables Rachel McCrow and Constable Matthew Arnold were murdered by the Train family at a property in the western Darling Downs, about three hours west of Brisbane, in December last year. Picture: Supplied
Queensland constables Rachel McCrow and Constable Matthew Arnold were murdered by the Train family at a property in the western Darling Downs, about three hours west of Brisbane, in December last year. Picture: Supplied
Alan Dare, the Train’s neighbour, was also murdered when he attended the property after seeing smoke lit by the family and hearing gunfire. Picture: Supplied
Alan Dare, the Train’s neighbour, was also murdered when he attended the property after seeing smoke lit by the family and hearing gunfire. Picture: Supplied

The officers were conducting a welfare check for Nathaniel, a former NSW school principal who had been reported missing for months.

A third constable, Keely Brough, fled into bushland when the trio fired upon her while a fourth, Randall Kirk, was injured.

Neighbour Alan Dare, 58, was later murdered by the Trains when he went to investigate the property.

Heavily armed police later shot all members of the Train family dead during a lengthy siege later that night.

On Thursday, State Coroner Terry Ryan extended his condolences to family members affected by the death of the six when he opened the court.

Aerial vision of the crime scene at Wieambilla after the fatal shootings. Picture: 9 News
Aerial vision of the crime scene at Wieambilla after the fatal shootings. Picture: 9 News

“A very comprehensive investigation into these matters is being undertaken,” he told the court.

A number of practitioners crowded the coroners court while Aidan Train, the son of Nathaniel and Stacey Train and nephew of Gareth Train, appeared over the phone.

The court was told a legal aid funding application for himself and his sister, Madelyn, to appear at the future inquest was pending.

Ruth O’Gorman KC, counsel assisting the coroner, said each of the deaths had caused great distress and griefs to their family members.

“There is understandable public interest into a coronial investigation into the deaths,” Ms O’Gorman said.

Providing a brief overview, Ms O’Gorman said constables McCrow and Arnold jumped the fence of the property in the afternoon of December 12.

Within minutes, they were fatally shot by “one or more” of the Trains.

A still from a YouTube video uploaded by Gareth and Stacey Train just hours after they shot the constables and Mr Dare dead. Picture: Supplied / YouTube
A still from a YouTube video uploaded by Gareth and Stacey Train just hours after they shot the constables and Mr Dare dead. Picture: Supplied / YouTube
Nathaniel Train was a former school principal who had been reported missing. He was last seen illegally crossing the border between Queensland and NSW in December 2021.
Nathaniel Train was a former school principal who had been reported missing. He was last seen illegally crossing the border between Queensland and NSW in December 2021.

“The bodyworn camera footage of both officers … demonstrated there were no interactions with the people on the property prior to the first shots being fired at police,” she said.

The court was told the Train family opened fire on Constable Brough as she fled into bushland, lighting fires while she took shelter.

They also set fire to the police vehicle at the front of the property.

Constable Kirk fled on foot and was shot in the leg during his escape.

Around 5.30pm, Mr Dare and another man went to the property to investigate the fires that had been started.

Mr Dare’s fatal shooting was captured on his own video, again demonstrating no interactions with the Trains, Ms O’Gorman said.

She said there was an expectation police officers were expected to return home safely, and the deaths of the constables was made more shocking as they were performing normal routine duties.

Nathaniel Train and Stacey Train on their wedding day in 1995. Picture: Supplied / 9 News
Nathaniel Train and Stacey Train on their wedding day in 1995. Picture: Supplied / 9 News

“Mr Dare’s death was shocking for similar reasons,” Ms O’Gorman said.

Turning to the Train family, Ms O’Gorman said Nathaniel and Stacey had been married, but they separated and she remarried his elder brother, Gareth.

The court was told Gareth only had minor entries on his criminal record but Nathaniel and Stacey had no criminal histories – Ms O’Gorman explained there were therefore questions as to why they behaved in such a way.

Stacey had been the head of curriculum at a local school until 2021.

Ruth O'Gorman (left), counsel assisting the coroner in the inquest into the 2022 Wieambilla shootings. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Blake Antrobus
Ruth O’Gorman (left), counsel assisting the coroner in the inquest into the 2022 Wieambilla shootings. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Blake Antrobus

Ms O’Gorman said Nathaniel was the principal of a school in country NSW until he suffered a heart attack in August 2021.

In December that same year, he illegally crossed the NSW-Queensland border, discarding some of his registered firearms along the way.

“He held a valid weapons licence at the time he entered Queensland,” Ms O’Gorman said.

The court was told police had attended the Trains’ Wieambilla property in August 2022 looking for Nathaniel in relation to his border crossing.

They left a calling card at the gate.

An arrest warrant was later issued for Nathaniel.

Ms O’Gorman explained Nathaniel was reported missing to NSW Police in November and a month later they contacted the police station in Chinchilla, asking officers to make an inquiry at the Trains’ property.

During later investigations, police determined the Trains followed an extremist Christian ideology known as “premillennialism” – the belief Jesus Christ would return to earth after a period of extreme suffering.

Diary entries from Stacey made references to police as “demons”

Chilling YouTube videos uploaded by Gareth and Stacey just hours after the shooting – where they admitted to the shooting – were also discovered.

The Wieambilla property where the constables and Mr Dare were murdered in cold blood. Picture: Supplied
The Wieambilla property where the constables and Mr Dare were murdered in cold blood. Picture: Supplied

Ms O’Gorman said interviews, 152 witness statements, walk-throughs of the property and forensic examination of the bodies had all been undertaken by the Queensland Police’s Ethical Standards Command, among other lines of inquiry.

It also included the previous activities of the Train trio, as well as their online postings.

Ms O’Gorman said investigations were not expected to be completed until the end of the year.

She revealed they could not give a time frame of when the coronial investigation would take place, or how long it would run for, aside from stating it would not likely be listed until 2024.

Earlier this year, Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Tracy Linford said there was evidence the trio acted as an “autonomous cell” and had “planned” the attack.

An examination of the property discovered mounted steel barriers, dirt mounds and mirrors placed on trees in preparation for the attack, along with a trap door in their house for any escape.

Police officers salute fallen constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. Picture: NCA NewsWire / John Gass
Mr Dare was laid to rest at the Centenary Memorial Gardens with a convoy of vintage Fords. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Sarah Marshall
Mr Dare was laid to rest at the Centenary Memorial Gardens with a convoy of vintage Fords. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Sarah Marshall

The court was told the inquest would be expected to cover a variety of issues, including the police response to Nathaniel’s missing persons report, his entry into Queensland, the missing persons broadcast and communication between the NSW and Queensland Police.

“What did NSW Police know about Nathaniel and Gareth Train at that time, and what did they communicate?” Ms O’Gorman said.

“Were there any red flags that should have been known?”

Other topics would cover the decision to send the four constables to the property, the circumstances of Mr Dare’s shooting, what ammunition and weapons were used by the Trains and whether they had been illegally obtained.

The inquest will also look at whether the officers were appropriately trained in firearm use.

A further pre-inquest conference will be held next year.

By Ozlibo

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