18가지 나이 든 사람들이 자라면서 접한 음식 트렌드, 요즘 아이들에게는 완전히 이상하게 들릴 듯클라우디아

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산토스2025년 3월 20일 목요일 오후 8시 16분 AEDT·5분 읽기

최근에 우리는 나이 든 사람들이 자라면서 접한 옛날 음식 규범과 기록되지 않은 규칙에 대해 게시했습니다. 밀레니얼 세대인 저는 옛날 사람들이 어떻게 먹었는지에 대해 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 그래서 요즘 아이들이 매우 이상하게 생각할 법한 몇 가지 식사 습관을 더 공유해 보겠습니다.

  1. “지금과 분량이 크게 달랐고 간식도 전부 바뀌었습니다. 항상 과일 한 조각이었지만 주로 식사 시간까지 기다리라고 했습니다. 제가 매우 기쁜 점 중 하나는 지금 제공되는 다양한 종류입니다. 훨씬 더 나은 채식 음식과 ‘무첨가’ 범위는 우리가 먹던 것보다 훨씬 좋습니다.”

고기, 치즈, 빵, 야채, 샐러드 등 다양한 요리가 뷔페 스타일로 차려진 테이블
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

2.”식료품점에 가는 것은 요리에 필요한 재료를 사러 가는 것이지, 거의 존재하지 않는 가공 식품을 사러 가는 것이 아니었습니다. 우리는 살 수 있는 한 고기, 생선, 야채를 샀습니다. 우리 부모님은 1920년대에 태어나셨기 때문에 우리의 식사는 그들이 자란 해의 식습관을 반영했습니다.”


3.”놀이를 하다가 목이 마르면 가장 가까운 집으로 가서 물 호스를 잡고 수도꼭지를 틀었습니다. 저녁은 아이스티나 물을 먹었습니다(저는 남부에서 자랐습니다). 소다는 일주일에 한 번 또는 이주일에 한 번 마시는 간식이었습니다.”

화창한 날, 푸른 나무에 둘러싸인 정원 호스로 물을 마시는 아이
Carol Yepes / Getty Images

4.”1950년대와 1960년대에 뉴욕 브루클린에서 자라면서 우리는 절대 외식하지 않았습니다. 우리는 물병도 없었고 저녁에 소다도 마시지 않았습니다. 어머니를 제외하고 모든 어른들은 담배를 피웠습니다. 여름에는 비가 오지 않으면 집 안에 있을 수 없었고, 가로등이 켜지면 집에 있었습니다. 우리는 목이 마르면 ‘놀이터’에 가서 분수에서 물을 마셨습니다.”


5.”우리는 매 식사마다 디저트를 먹지 않았습니다. 디저트는 생일에 케이크를 먹는 것을 의미했습니다.”

한 여성과 한 소녀가 촛불이 켜진 생일 케이크 위로 기대어 서 있습니다. 식탁 배경에 풍선이 있습니다.
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

6.”그 당시 모든 육류 제품은 항상 너무 익혀서 해로운 박테리아를 모두 제거하여 안전하게 먹을 수 있도록 했습니다.”

—Mike, 71, California

7.”저는 더 작은 분량을 기억하고, 어머니는 항상 저녁 식사에 야채를 먹도록 했습니다. 간식은 바나나(레어)나 사과였습니다. 그리고 저녁 식사 후에는 주방을 닫았습니다!”

복고풍 주방에 있는 한 사람이 꽃무늬 커튼이 있는 싱크대 옆에 서 있습니다. 이 장면은 빈티지한 느낌이 들며, 식기가 위에 걸려 있습니다.
Fortgens Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto

  1. “우리가 요청한 가장 좋아하는 ‘특별한’ 저녁 식사 중 하나는 우리가 구디 트레이라고 부르는 것이었습니다. 그것은 기본적으로 우리가 샤르퀴테리라는 용어를 알기 전에 샤르퀴테리 보드였습니다. 롤업 런치 미트, 작은 조각으로 펼쳐진 여러 종류의 치즈, 당근 스틱, 셀러리, 검은 올리브, 피클 등과 같은 야채가 가득했습니다. 이 모든 것이 둥근 피자 팬에 펼쳐져 있었고, 우리는 원하는 것을 골라서 랜치 드레싱을 곁들였습니다.”


  1. “제가 초등학교에 다닐 때, 우리는 도시락을 가지고 다녔습니다. 튀긴 계란이나 볼로냐 샌드위치였고 우유 한 팩에 5센트였습니다. 우리는 또한 튀긴 감자와 옥수수와 함께 콩과 콘브레드를 많이 먹었습니다.”

줄무늬 셔츠를 입고 샌드위치를 ​​든 채 야외 건초 베일에 앉아 있는 어린이, 근처에 소박한 테이블과 백팩
Tatiana Maksimova / Getty Images

10.”칠면조 속을 채우는 세이지나 케이크나 쿠키에 올스파이스를 넣는 것처럼 특별한 경우를 제외하고는 향신료를 거의 사용하지 않았습니다. 일반적인 식사에는 소금과 후추를 아껴서 음식을 맛본 후 ‘향신료’가 필요한지 확인했습니다.”


11.”저는 60살이 되어서 아마 여기에서 나이 많은 사람 중 하나일 겁니다. 학교 음식은 정말 훌륭했습니다. 우리 점심 아줌마들이 직접 만든 음식을 만들어 주었는데 맛이 정말 환상적이었습니다. 눈에 띄는 몇 가지 음식은 땅콩버터 샌드위치와 땅콩버터 케이크를 곁들인 수제 야채 소고기 수프였습니다. 아이들이 더 잘 먹고, 밖에서 놀았고, 음식 알레르기가 그렇게 흔하지 않았습니다.”

학생들이 식당 테이블에 앉아 점심을 먹고 있습니다. 쟁반에는 우유팩, 샌드위치, 과일이 담겨 있습니다.
Will & Deni McIntyre / Getty Images

  1. “저희는 매일 저녁 샐러드를 먹었고, 상추철이 아닐 때는 과일에 크림치즈와 호두를 곁들였습니다.”


  1. “저희는 아침 식사로 시리얼과 우유를 먹었고, 주스도 한 잔 마셨습니다. 초등학교 때는 점심으로 집에 갈 시간이 충분했고, 저녁 식사로 캐서롤을 자주 먹었지만, 일요일에 냄비 구이를 먹을 때는 예외였습니다. 이모는 스파게티를 만들곤 했는데, 아주 이국적이었습니다. 집에서 재배하지 않은 신선한 야채는 거의 보지 못했습니다.”

두 어린 자녀가 테이블에 앉아 우유와 크래커를 즐기고 있습니다. 그들은

18 Food Trends Older People Grew Up With That Will Sound Totally Bizarre To Kids These Days

Claudia Santos

Thu 20 March 2025 at 8:16 pm AEDT·5-min read

Recently, we posted about the food norms and unwritten rules from back in the day that older adults grew up with. As a millennial, I sure learned a lot about how people ate way back when. So, here are a few more dining habits commenters shared that kids today would probably think are verrryyyy strange.

1.”The portion sizes were vastly different from what they are now — and the whole snack thing has changed as well. It was always a piece of fruit, but mainly just being told to wait till mealtime. One thing I am very glad has changed is the variety available now: much better vegetarian foods and the ‘free from’ ranges are a lot better than what we used to have.”

Table with assorted dishes including meats, cheeses, breads, vegetables, and salads arranged for a buffet-style meal
Jena Ardell / Getty Images


2.”A trip to the grocery store was to shop for ingredients to cook with, not prepared foods, which hardly existed. We’d buy as much meat, fish, and vegetables as we could afford. Our parents were born in the 1920s, so our meals reflected the eating habits of the years they grew up.”


3.”If we got thirsty playing, we just went to the closest house, grabbed the water hose, and turned on the spigot. We had iced sweet tea or water for dinner (I grew up in the South). A soda was a once-a-week or two-week treat.”

Child drinking water from a garden hose on a sunny day, surrounded by greenery
Carol Yepes / Getty Images


4.”Growing up in the 1950s and 1960s in Brooklyn, New York, we NEVER went out to eat. No water bottles for us or no soda with supper. Except for my mom, all of the adults smoked. In the summer, you could not stay inside if it wasn’t raining, and you were in the house once the street lights came on. We went to the ‘playground’ and drank from the water fountain when thirsty.”


5.”We didn’t have dessert with every meal. Dessert meant you had a cake on your birthday.”

A woman and a girl with a playful expression lean over a birthday cake with lit candles. Balloons are in the background on a dining table
Jena Ardell / Getty Images


6.”All the meat products back then were always overcooked to ensure all harmful bacteria were removed from the meal to make it safe to consume.”

—Mike, 71, California

7.”I remember smaller portions, and my mother always made sure we had a vegetable with dinner. A snack was either a banana (rare) or an apple. And after dinner, the kitchen was closed!”

A person in a retro kitchen stands by a sink with floral curtains. The scene has a vintage feel, with utensils hanging above
Fortgens Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto


8.”One of our favorite ‘special’ dinners that we requested was what we called goodie trays. It was basically a charcuterie board before we knew the term charcuterie. It was rolled-up lunch meats, a few different types of cheese laid out in small slices, and a bunch of veggies like carrot sticks, celery, black olives, pickles, etc. All of this was laid out on a round pizza pan, and we got to pick whatever we wanted to eat and have our ranch dressing on the side.”


9.”When I was in elementary school, we carried a sack lunch. It was either a fried egg or bologna sandwich and a nickel for a carton of milk. We also ate a lot of beans and cornbread with fried potatoes and corn.”

Child sitting on a hay bale outdoors, wearing a striped shirt and holding a sandwich, with a rustic table and backpack nearby
Tatiana Maksimova / Getty Images


10.”Spices were rarely used except for special occasions, like sage in stuffing for turkey, or allspice in cakes or cookies. For regular meals, salt and pepper were seasonings used sparingly AFTER tasting the food to determine if it needed ‘spices.’”


11.”I’m pushing 60, so probably one of the older ones on here. The school food was awesome. Our lunch ladies made homemade food; it tasted fantastic. A few items that stood out were homemade vegetable beef soup with peanut butter sandwiches and peanut butter cake. Kids ate better, played outside, and food allergies were not as prevalent.”

Students sitting at a cafeteria table eating lunch, with trays holding milk cartons, sandwiches, and fruit
Will & Deni McIntyre / Getty Images


12.”We had a salad with dinner every day or fruit with cream cheese and walnuts when lettuce was out of season.”


13.”We had cereal and milk for breakfast, plus a tiny glass of juice. We had enough time to go home for lunch in elementary school and had casseroles for supper quite often, except when we had a pot roast on Sundays. My aunt used to make spaghetti, which was quite exotic. We rarely saw a fresh vegetable that wasn’t homegrown.”

Two young children sit at a table, enjoying milk and crackers. They are dressed in 1940s-style clothing, focused on their snacks
Getty Images


14.”Fish on Friday! Always, for many years. It was usually frozen mass-produced fish sticks, not baked filets or something good.”


15.”There was no tolerance for a kid who was a picky eater. We all sat at the table together for dinner. You could eat what mom made or skip dinner. There was no ‘Oh, you don’t like what’s for dinner? Let me microwave some chicken tenders for you.’ You could eat or not. And if you chose not to (which I never did), you still had to sit at the table, help with dishes, and go to bed hungry. This is why I like nearly EVERY kind of food.”

Three children and an older woman enjoying cake at a table, with a toy truck nearby. The background features floral curtains
PBNJ Productions / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

—Paul, 53, Illinois

16.”My dad hunted; we lived in the suburbs, so he’d go to his sister’s farm 50 miles away along the Kankakee River. He brought home pheasants, and my mom cooked them, but we’d have to spit out the lead shot pellets sometimes. My sister and I could roll them around the plate after we finished. Can you imagine the horror today of finding lead in your food?”


17.”There were six of us, and when we ate fast food, we had to split fries. We each got our own burger and Coke, and the cups were tiny. You ate it all there — you didn’t take your drink with you.”

Historic photo of a McDonald's drive-in with 15 cent hamburgers advertised and cars at the service area
Bettmann / Bettmann Archive


18.”A meat grinder was a standard kitchen appliance. When you enjoyed a hamburger, it was from a piece of chuck or sirloin, not processed from up to a hundred different cows.”


Were there any traditional food habits or rules you grew up with way back when? Tell us about them in the comments or fill out this anonymous form.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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