
마늘로 치통을 완화하려면

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 다음 5단계를 따르세요. 1) 준비: 마늘 한 쪽을 껍질을 벗기고 으깨거나 다진 마늘, 소금, 올리브 오일로 페이스트를 만듭니다. 2) 바르기: 마늘을 영향을 받은 치아에 직접 바르거나 면봉을 사용하여 페이스트를 바릅니다. 3) 고정: 마늘이나 페이스트를 몇 분간 치아에 올려놓습니다. 4) 헹구기: 따뜻한 소금물로 입을 헹굽니다. 5) 반복: 필요한 경우 과정을 반복합니다.

각 단계에 대한 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

1. 마늘 준비:

생마늘이 가장 좋습니다. 생마늘은 항균 특성으로 알려진 알리신을 포함한 활성 화합물을 보존하기 때문에 약용으로 가장 좋은 것으로 간주됩니다.

으깨거나 페이스트 만들기: 마늘 한 쪽을 으깨서 알리신을 방출하거나 으깬 마늘에 소금과 약간의 올리브 오일을 섞어 페이스트를 만들 수 있습니다.

소금의 역할: 소금은 또한 항균 효과가 있으며 염증을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

2. 마늘 바르기:

직접 바르기:

손가락이나 면봉을 사용하여 다진 마늘이나 페이스트를 영향을 받은 치아에 직접 바릅니다.

약한 압력:

특히 충치가 있는 경우 마늘을 치아에 너무 깊이 밀어 넣지 마십시오.

3. 잡고 기다리기:

효과를 발휘할 시간 주기: 알리신이 항균 마법을 발휘할 수 있도록 마늘이나 페이스트를 치아에 몇 분간 두십시오.

4. 소금물로 헹구기:

깨끗이 씻고 진정시키기: 마늘을 제거한 후 따뜻한 소금물로 입을 헹구어 해당 부위를 깨끗이 씻고 통증을 진정시킵니다.

5. 필요한 경우 반복:

필요에 따라: 치통을 완화하기 위해 필요에 따라 과정을 반복할 수 있습니다.

중요 고려 사항:

알레르기: 마늘에 알레르기가 있는 경우 이 치료법을 피하십시오.

임신: 마늘은 일반적으로 임신 중에 먹어도 안전한 것으로 간주되지만 너무 많이 먹으면 속쓰림이 생길 수 있습니다.

전문가의 조언을 구하세요: 치통이 심하거나 지속되면 치과 의사나 의사와 상담하세요.

기타 가정 요법: 마늘 외에도 치통에 대한 다른 가정 요법으로는 냉찜질, 정향유, 티백 찜질이 있습니다.

전문가의 치료를 대체하지 마세요: 가정 요법은 일시적인 완화를 제공할 수 있지만 전문 치과 치료를 대체해서는 안 됩니다.

치통에 마늘 사용: 가정 요법의 효능 2020년 2월 27일 — 마늘 한 쪽을 씹습니다. 영향을 받은 치아를 사용하여 껍질을 벗긴 마늘 한 쪽을 부드럽게 씹습니다. 이렇게 하면 알리신이 방출되어

o relieve toothache with garlic,
follow these 5 steps: 1) Prepare: Peel and crush a clove of garlic, or make a paste with crushed garlic, salt, and olive oil. 2) Apply: Place the garlic directly on the affected tooth or apply the paste using a cotton swab. 3) Hold: Let the garlic or paste rest on the tooth for a few minutes. 4) Rinse: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. 5) Repeat: If needed, repeat the process.
Here’s a more detailed explanation of each step:

  1. Prepare the Garlic:
    Raw Garlic is Best: Raw garlic is considered best for medicinal purposes because it preserves the active compounds, including allicin, which is known for its antibacterial properties.
    Crush or Make a Paste: You can either crush a clove of garlic to release allicin or create a paste by mixing crushed garlic with salt and a little olive oil.
    Salt’s Role: Salt is also antibacterial and can help reduce inflammation.
  2. Apply the Garlic:
    Direct Application:
    Place the crushed garlic or the paste directly on the affected tooth using your fingers or a cotton swab.
    Gentle Pressure:
    Avoid forcing the garlic too far into the tooth, especially if there’s a cavity present.
  3. Hold and Wait:
    Allow Time to Work: Let the garlic or paste rest on the tooth for a few minutes to allow the allicin to work its antibacterial magic.
  4. Rinse with Saltwater:
    Clean and Soothe: After removing the garlic, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help clean the area and soothe the pain.
  5. Repeat if Needed:
    As Needed: You can repeat the process as needed to relieve the toothache.
    Important Considerations:
    Allergies: If you are allergic to garlic, avoid this remedy.
    Pregnancy: Garlic is generally considered safe to eat during pregnancy, but eating too much may cause heartburn.
    Seek Professional Advice: If your toothache is severe or persists, consult a dentist or doctor.
    Other Home Remedies: Besides garlic, other home remedies for toothache include cold compresses, clove oil, and tea bag compresses.
    Don’t Substitute Professional Care: Home remedies can provide temporary relief, but they should not replace professional dental care.
    Using Garlic for Toothaches: Efficacy of the Home Remedy
    27 Feb 2020 — Chew a garlic clove. Using the affected tooth, gently chew on a peeled clove of garlic. This will release allicin that …

Garlic for Toothache – How Does It Work? | Colgate® PH
Place a peeled, raw clove of garlic directly on the affected area. Create a paste using raw garlic, salt, and olive oil, and apply…
5 Best Home Remedies for a Toothache (reduce tooth pain)
20 Dec 2019 — Better known for its ability to cause bad breath, garlic can also be used for medicinal purposes. A compound found in g…

Stoney Creek Dental
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This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. Generative AI is experimental.,
follow these 5 steps: 1) Prepare: Peel and crush a clove of garlic, or make a paste with crushed garlic, salt, and olive oil. 2) Apply: Place the garlic directly on the affected tooth or apply the paste using a cotton swab. 3) Hold: Let the garlic or paste rest on the tooth for a few minutes. 4) Rinse: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. 5) Repeat: If needed, repeat the process.
Here’s a more detailed explanation of each step:

  1. Prepare the Garlic:
    Raw Garlic is Best: Raw garlic is considered best for medicinal purposes because it preserves the active compounds, including allicin, which is known for its antibacterial properties.
    Crush or Make a Paste: You can either crush a clove of garlic to release allicin or create a paste by mixing crushed garlic with salt and a little olive oil.
    Salt’s Role: Salt is also antibacterial and can help reduce inflammation.
  2. Apply the Garlic:
    Direct Application:
    Place the crushed garlic or the paste directly on the affected tooth using your fingers or a cotton swab.
    Gentle Pressure:
    Avoid forcing the garlic too far into the tooth, especially if there’s a cavity present.
  3. Hold and Wait:
    Allow Time to Work: Let the garlic or paste rest on the tooth for a few minutes to allow the allicin to work its antibacterial magic.
  4. Rinse with Saltwater:
    Clean and Soothe: After removing the garlic, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help clean the area and soothe the pain.
  5. Repeat if Needed:
    As Needed: You can repeat the process as needed to relieve the toothache.
    Important Considerations:
    Allergies: If you are allergic to garlic, avoid this remedy.
    Pregnancy: Garlic is generally considered safe to eat during pregnancy, but eating too much may cause heartburn.
    Seek Professional Advice: If your toothache is severe or persists, consult a dentist or doctor.
    Other Home Remedies: Besides garlic, other home remedies for toothache include cold compresses, clove oil, and tea bag compresses.
    Don’t Substitute Professional Care: Home remedies can provide temporary relief, but they should not replace professional dental care.
    Using Garlic for Toothaches: Efficacy of the Home Remedy
    27 Feb 2020 — Chew a garlic clove. Using the affected tooth, gently chew on a peeled clove of garlic. This will release allicin that …

Garlic for Toothache – How Does It Work? | Colgate® PH
Place a peeled, raw clove of garlic directly on the affected area. Create a paste using raw garlic, salt, and olive oil, and apply…
5 Best Home Remedies for a Toothache (reduce tooth pain)
20 Dec 2019 — Better known for its ability to cause bad breath, garlic can also be used for medicinal purposes. A compound found in g…

Stoney Creek Dental
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This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. Generative AI is experimental.

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